Closure Notice:

Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, and Volusia County Courts will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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Serving Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, and Volusia Counties

Volusia County Pretrial Services

The Pretrial Services Program has two primary goals: provide accurate, timely, neutral information regarding arrestees to judges so they can make informed release decisions and promote public safety by ensuring appearance in court and compliance with release conditions established by judges for certain defendants.

The Pretrial Assessment unit is located at the Volusia County Branch Jail. Pretrial Assessment staff compiles criminal history records of arrestees appearing before judges at First Appearance hearings; conducts interviews and investigations of arrestees to aid in the determination of release conditions; determines eligibility for Notice to Appear release by jail officials; provides support to judges presiding at First Appearance hearings; and processes release orders issued by judges. Since First Appearance hearings are conducted 365 days per year, the Pretrial Assessment unit also operates every day of the year.

The Pretrial Supervision unit has offices in Daytona Beach and DeLand. Pretrial Supervision staff provides varying levels of supervision to defendants released by judges into the Pretrial Supervision program. Levels of supervision range from telephonic contact to house arrest/electronic monitoring. Pretrial Supervision staff monitors compliance with release conditions established by the Court and ensures the appearance of program participants at required court proceedings.

Volusia County Pretrial Services is accredited by the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission.

On July 27, 2020 a team of assessors from the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission examined Volusia County Pretrial Services’ adherence to accreditation standards and best practices. Volusia County Pretrial Services has a proud history of maintaining accreditation and has been an accredited agency since 2008.


Volusia County Pretrial Assessment
1298 Red John Dr.
Daytona Beach, FL  32114
Phone (386) 254-1596


S. James Foxman Justice Center
251 N. Ridgewood Ave.
Daytona Beach, FL  32114
Phone (386) 254-4672
Fax (386) 254-4650

Volusia County Courthouse
101 N. Alabama Ave.
DeLand, FL  32724
Phone (386) 822-5741
Fax (386) 822-5791

For additional information regarding Pretrial Services programs, visit

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Serving Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns and Volusia Counties