Closure Notice:

Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, and Volusia County Courts will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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Serving Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, and Volusia Counties

Family Mediation

The Seventh Judicial Circuit’s Family Mediation Program (PDF) provides low-cost mediation services for parties to family law cases, whose combined income is less than $100,000 per year.

Mediation is an informal, confidential meeting between the parties and a neutral third party, a certified mediator. The parties may reach an agreement that resolves some or all of the issues in the case. If the parties do not agree, the Judge will decide the issues. The Mediator does not make any decisions in the case and does not report anything to the Judge other than the parties’ written agreement.

Mediations are conducted in court facilities in each of the counties in the Circuit. In cases where domestic violence has been a concern, special arrangements are made to assure safety and comfort. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of the Mediator prior to the date of the Mediation, if feasible, and any expression of concern will be treated as confidential.

Referrals to the Family Program are made by Court Order. Parties who qualify and want to schedule a mediation may file a Motion for Order of Referral to the Family Mediation Program, and the Judge assigned to the case may enter an Order of Referral (Volusia (PDF) and Flagler/Putnam/St. Johns (PDF)).

The fees for Mediation are as follows:

  • Parties who have been declared indigent by the Clerk of Court pay nothing.

  • Sixty dollars ($60) per person, per scheduled family mediation session, when the parties’ combined income is $50,000 or less per year. 

  • One hundred twenty dollars ($120) per person, per scheduled family mediation session, when the parties’ combined income is greater than $50,000 but less than $100,000 per year.

Parties who are ordered to the Seventh Judicial Circuit’s Family Mediation Program (PDF) can schedule mediation by contacting the Mediator’s Office at (386) 248-8117 (Daytona Beach) or (386) 943-7099 (DeLand) or (904) 827-5638 (Flagler, Putnam or St. Johns).

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Serving Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns and Volusia Counties