WHEREAS it has been made known to the undersigned that it is necessary for the efficient administration of justice and the assignment of judges in the county court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit to publish changes in assignments to the current divisions of court, it is therefore,
ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the following judicial division assignments become effective February 3, 2025, and remain in effect until further order of the Chief Judge:
Division 60 Judge D. Melissa Distler
Division 61 Judge Andrea K. Totten
Division 62 Judge Anne Marie Gennusa
Division 63 Judge Elizabeth A. Morris
Division 65 Judge Alexander R. Christine, Jr.
Division 66 Judge Casey L. Woolsey
Division 67 Judge Lauren P. Blocker
Division 70 Judge Joseph P. LeDonne
Division 71 Judge Angela A. Dempsey
Division 72 VACANT
Division 73 Judge Rachel D. Myers
Division 75 Judge Robert A. Sanders, Jr.
Division 80 Judge Bryan A. Feigenbaum
Division 81 Judge David H. Foxman
Division 82 Judge Katherine H. Miller
Division 83 Judge David A. Cromartie
Division 84 Judge Robert A. Sanders, Jr.
Division 85 Judge Wesley Heidt
Division 87 Judge Wesley Heidt
Division 88 Judge Bryan A. Feigenbaum
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, rescinding administrative order G-2023-028-SC(C) effective February 3, 2025.
TO BE RECORDED in Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, and Volusia Counties.
DONE AND ORDERED in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida, this 31st day of January 2025
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